Academic Orientation
Hello! again, So in this Post I will tell you guys about Academic orientation, You guys remember Right? This is the second stage of FEP.
Academic Orientation Consist of 1 week Learning, in here we will learn about the curriculum of our major, the study skills, our foundation material from each program, and also we will get to known Our lecturer, and of course my new classmate from Computer Science Global class.
The First day started with collaborative classes, the class consist of 2 classes, there are IT regular, IT Global class.
and we already get to learn ALGORITHM, for the god sake, I don’t event know what is it.
And after that, the class got separate, I was going to my class, and you know what i saw? 12 MALES, and No FEMALE, and in that moment I really feel disappointed to be in that class :v ( just kidding), after we get to known each other then our lecturer come to the class, and it turns out she the same lecturer in collaborative class, her name is Ms Rulyna.
for one week we learn the algorithm, pseudo code and C++ language, in the last day of AO there is EXAM waiting for us, and this EXAM determine that we FAIL or we PASS(and I think I fail).
So that’s it For AO thanks for already read this post, and bye^^.