So, This is the last part of today, even though this part wasn’t part of FEP, This is HTTP ( Himti togetherness and Top Performances). The welcoming party created by HIMTI for Computer Science Student, the Welcoming party was Rp. 150.000 (and until now I think it was expensive), we were given T-shirt, C language class, and a Software kit.
The HTTP event located in Jakarta, BPPT II Building.
So, this event held by Himti every year, since 2001, and the theme of every year was different.
This year theme was “Passion, Innovation, and Togetherness.”

The HTTP 2015 LOGO

The first show that we watched was Zootopia, after a while when the film about to reach the climax (end), the film was changed into a programming course advertise, my friend that sit next to me was very disappointed.
after the advertise, the MC was greet us , then there were a singing performance by Binusian 2020 band, after that a countless speech by HIMTI president of Alsut and kemang, Mr zhang, and also the chairman of computer science.(actualy in these part I was SO SLEEPY)you know why right? :v
after that we were given an hour break, they gave us food and drink.
When the break over, we assembled again and we watched a talk show, there are 3 guess, and there were all alumni from Binus, they are success to make an innovative software, I don’t remember it all, I just remember, the alumni who created a robot that can talk and tell a story, and also the alumni who created a personality detector(?) maybe, the software can detect your personality from your post in twitter ( And I think it’s kind of creepy). in this part the I almost sleep, I even spaced out for a second. because the content of this part very dull and boring.
And once again we were given an hour break.
After the break, we were assembled again in the hall, but this is near the end of the event, and from here, the fun just begin, the next even was Dance, a Band showing performance, and also there was a DJ. me and my friend were jumping and jumping until my feet were hurt.
After the DJ performance we allowed to go home.
In my opinion, this event wasn’t worth it, I just sitting from 9.00 AM until 3.00 AM, at that time I think why I come to this event, but the DJ, Dance, and the Band performance was great, at that time we really have fun together.
overall I think I will the Event 5 stars out of 10 Stars
Thanks for already Read my Post, and I’m sorry if there are a lot of mistakes, you can email me in to complain me:v, and bye^^